Religare Health Insurance - Care - NCB Super

Religare Health Insurance - Care - NCB Super

Religare Care NCB Super is a comprehensive health insurance plan which has an exceptional No Claim Bonus increment in the Sum Assured. Other unique coverage features include auto restoration of Sum Assured, alternative treatments (AYUSH) benefit, free health check-up, daily cash allowance, ambulance cover, at-home treatment cover etc.
Benefits included:
Hospitalization means any in-patient treatment (min. 24 hrs stay) as well as the named 541 day care procedures. 
Other additional benefits 
  • 100% Cover restoration
  • No claim bonus
  • Free Health Check-up
  • Ambulance charges
  • 30 days pre-hospitalisation
  • 60 days post hospitalisation
  • Organ donor expenses
  • Home treatment
  • Ayush treatments

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How does the super NCB feature works?
Under this feature, after one claim-free year, the NCB allowed is 50% increase in the Sum Assured. Additionally, the normal NCB of 10% is also added making the total increment to 60% after the first year. The similar process occurs after the second claim-free year making the Sum Assured increase by 120% after two claim-free years.

2. How is the inbuilt global coverage is different from the optional complete global coverage?
Under the inbuilt global coverage feature, treatments taken in USA are excluded. However, under the optional feature, such treatments are also included in the coverage.

3.Are free health check ups available?
Yes, free health check ups are available for all insured members every year.

4. What is maximum number of members can be covered in single policy?
A maximum of 6 members can be covered in single floater policy.

Feel free to ask more details for any Health Insurance product:

Jainik P Adani
Mob : 9898058920
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